Style, personality, daring & seduction
Style, personality, daring & seduction
Posted on 2020-09-15

Audacity : a weapon of seduction
Audacity signifies: a tendency to dare to be different. A sign of self confidence or of personal growth. It’s an inner freedom that you allow to be expressed, daring to be yourself and not to be afraid of doing so. It’s a way of asserting yourself and owning your personality and femininity. To seduce is to dare to be yourself. Unlike beauty, which is based on the universal norm, to seduce is to express one’s individuality and originality. Indeed, unlike the superficial ‘plastic’ frozen look of the beauty of today, seduction is a behaviour, a way of being. To be passionate, to speak your mind, to act with sensuality, with humour… all of this combined blends into what one calls seduction.

Confidence in your physical appearance
In a society where appearance is so important, self confidence also means confidence in one’s physical appearance. We can say with some certainty that most of us at some stage will have lacked some self-esteem resulting in not feeling like we can truly be ourselves. On a more general basis, it’s important to be aware that your body reflects what’s in your soul. Whatever shape you are, be that over curvaceous or under curvaceous, ultimately the external aspects matter little. What counts is how you look at yourself.

Accepting one’s body is mainly a matter of how we see it and of the kindness we show towards it. To take a step back, to dare and to act in coherence with oneself is part of the journey of self acceptance. Most importantly, don’t shy away from things because of your body and allow yourself to love yourself. To accept one’s body, is to show self confidence and audacity. To seduce, is also to know how to take a step back and not focus on your age, your wrinkles, your imperfections… by fully accepting yourself. Seduction is found in the perspective we place on ourselves, the choice being natural or artificial.

Courage is the biggest attribute in a seducer
One has to dare, to step forward, to show yourself as an audacious woman that is sure of herself. The essence of this game is to go beyond the social conventions. Even if you fail after a bold move, at least you will have managed to get some attention. Your courage triggers the imagination, sometimes it refers to other unresolved internal anxieties or conflicts. In this instance it can cause jealousy, fear, anguish, or in other instances, for those who value themselves, can bring tenderness and admiration. One thing that is for sure is that, with this attitude you will not leave anyone indifferent. To be daring in your approach is to confirm, through your attitude, that you have a high level of self-worth and that you are in tune with yourself.

An audacious style in order to seduce
Of course, attitude alone is not enough: you need a minimum of other factors to support it, such as clothing choices, accessories to suit, or a very personalised style. To have a bold attitude is already embodying a style! At a time where everyone is trying to reinvent themselves, with image being the focus of our existence, our ‘look’, an instrument of power and communication, allows us to express our uniqueness in order to stand out. Enchanting and timeless, the Khaïden brand, by French designer, is keen to play a role in this personal alchemy, bringing you luxury modernised pieces for women, with a baroque and vintage feel.

Audacity is a real asset to help you assert your personality and your femininity. The opportunity to treat yourself, or to wear a beautiful ornament must be honoured without inhibitions. Audacity only has meaning when sincere and mastered with precision and finesse. Just like the image of a woman, Khaïden jewelry is a reflection of refinement, of both subtlety and complexity and power for some.
In the same way that the baroque style alludes to exuberance, the designer, through her jewelry, hopes to give you a sense of fearlessness, to assert your personality, in order to capture and exalt your natural beauty.