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The sky is speaking to us

Posted on2025-02-17

The sky is speaking to us

Posted on 17/02/2025

The Sky Speaks to Us. Before reading this blog, I invite you to read the previous two blogs: The MONA LISA and GUERNICA.

When Jesus was asked about the meaning of his metaphors, such as "You are the Salt of the Earth," and why not say things more simply so everyone could understand, he responded by explaining that: "Salt preserves food and slows down its decomposition" (=> an instrument to suppress evil), "it enhances the flavor of food" (=> sweetness, love to spread WITHOUT MODERATION), "salt can also be mixed with honey and thus contributes to the healing of the sick" (=> AGAPE LOVE).

He further emphasized that he uses these metaphors because he doesn't want his disciples to be passive. He expects them to be truly invested, engaged, inviting them to reflect deeply to find the truth.

The same is true in the business world: when an employee is passionate and invested, they perform miracles. When they are passionate, invested, and have pure intentions, they are guided and supported by the 13, and thus, they will make amazing miracles. TRUST THE PROCESS!

Let’s go back to the alliance of salt and the coded messages sent by the 13.

Did you know that at the South Pole, during summer, the light (THE GOOD, the divine light) lasts 24 hours a day for several months, while in winter, there is TOTAL darkness (THE EVIL) for several months?

Strangely, scientists have been trying to explain the phenomenon of the mysterious blood waterfalls in Antarctica (South Pole) for centuries. No organism is supposed to be able to survive in this place. Yet, something strange happens. Unlike water, which freezes, the blood falls don’t completely freeze even though the average temperature is -20°. They then discover that the blood-red water is highly salty, which explains why it doesn’t freeze. However, no salty lake is found nearby. A mystery! Researchers finally find an explanation by zooming in on the red water under a microscope. They discover iron particles (EVIL). They conclude that when in contact with air and salt, these particles begin to rust. Here’s the key to the mystery confirmed: salt (THE GOOD) eliminates iron (THE EVIL). Another beautiful coded message sent by the 13 to the 12, inviting us to use the secret weapon to maintain the right balance BERESHIT 12/13 and stop all these horrors at the source.

Science without spirituality remains incomplete, and spirituality itself needs science and the media to draw conclusions. MIX & MATCH!

For those who haven’t followed me on Instagram, here’s a little reminder of what I define as the BERESHIT 12/13 balance (the connection between Heaven 13 and Earth 12).

After discovering the House of the Abrahamic family in Abu Dhabi, initiated by our Pope, on the day of the Transfiguration of Christ, August 6, 2023, a cross appeared on my wooden floor. It was presented to two priests and a deacon. This cross is an exact replica of the one found on the back of my Love You necklace (images available on my website related to this jewelry). Also, as a lost sheep, I decided to read the Bible for the first time in my life. After the appearance of this cross, and during a long prayer, I burned 3 candles of 3 different colors (blue, pink, and purple) placed in the same glass jar, and at the end of my prayer, I discovered that the blue candle had dripped outside the jar, forming a wax Virgin (photo attached to my site related to the Madonna necklace). While reading the Holy Scriptures, with my atypical logic, I follow in the footsteps of Saint Peter, who was crucified upside down out of respect for his savior, inviting us to see the world differently. My reading is, therefore, in his image: inverted. For more details on this cross, I invite you to explore the text linked to the ROVESCIATA earrings on my site or the Saint Peter Cross earrings in a more haute couture version. Saint Peter’s inverted cross becomes an absolute symbol of humility.

As for August 6th, strangely, my nephew (the first, son of my older brother, who is currently a Deacon) was born on the day of the Transfiguration of Christ, and had a very serious motorcycle accident on Easter Sunday. He spent 40 days (like Jesus in the desert) in a coma.

Strangely, my uncle Pierre SOULU (Pierre Henri SOULU) was born on December 27, 1933, and passed away on October 30, 2023, in Orthevielle at the age of 89, at the time I suffered my first cyber attack.

Then, I went to meet Father Bernard. On that day, I was wearing the same inverted cross. He mentioned that had he not had this exchange with me, and had he simply seen me in the street with this cross, he would have thought that through this cross, I represented SATAN. I responded that it was precisely the Inverted Cross of Saint Peter and that, by thinking this way, as he had just done, one is giving in to Satan, who has twisted the original meaning of this symbol. (The same applies to stones, which have been distorted by the forces of evil from their original meaning. It should be noted that Saint Hildegarde received information from Heaven. She tells us that stones possess many virtues and powers that God left in them to help man with his various ailments and to heal him. However, stones without prayer and without a foundation lose all their meaning. Therefore, we are encouraged to be more cautious with the deviations orchestrated by Evil).

Father Bernard responded, "You are probably right. I will inquire."

I told him that I was doing the same. I prayed on my way back and discovered the first inverted entry signs of the municipalities of Landes. The sky had answered me, in its own way. It’s necessary to swim against the current and, more than ever, bear the Cross of Saint Peter, the one who holds the key to eternity.

Note that my professional journey, Khaïden, has always followed the path of the Gospel. Another incredible event occurred. On July 10, 2022, the day of the Good Samaritan's word, the famous American model Bella Hadid, of Palestinian descent from her father, shared a first story, by miracle, with my AMORE Earrings.

Strangely, if we add up the birthdates of Bella Hadid and mine in numerology, we get:


Bella Hadid's birthdate



Christelle SOULU, my birthdate


(3+8+1+1+3+9+7+1) = 33 (AMAZING!!!) Another coincidence!!!

But that’s not all!

If we add, in numerological terms, the birthday of Gigi Hadid, her sister, we get:

23 April 1995 = 33 OMG!!! Another coincidence???

And it’s not over...

I named my company KHAI DEN in September 2020, does that ring a bell? Gigi's daughter "KHAI" (AMAZING) was born on 15/09/2020.

Another coincidence!!!

No wonder Bella Hadid unexpectedly came across my Amore earrings. Everything leads me back to the story of Christ. Khaïden is definitely rooted in the word of the Gospel.

One last detail: Bella Hadid shares images of her house in flames and mourns her 'childhood bedroom' following the LA fire (the City of Angels). Before moving out of La Licorne (the name of the house where I was conceived), my childhood home, where we moved right out of the maternity ward on the day of my birth, was called 'the target' because the architect had drawn a huge target. This house also burned down.

I prayed deeply for Gaza and for all the disasters of this world, which concern us all.

I asked God to give me THE SOLUTION to end this human carnage of adults and children in Palestine. When your intentions are pure and detached from all personal interest, and upright, Heaven can grant you grace.

Now, I will present "my" solution in connection with the 13. It is not me, it is God’s grace with me.

But before that, to gain your credibility, I will demonstrate that my spiritual logic applies to everything. God speaks to us through the Holy Scriptures but also through coded messages. For Gaza, He left His signature "33", a number I have been talking about for so long on social media. It should be noted that Jesus was crucified at the age of 33.

Heaven accompanies me in this endeavor. I recently honored the Mona Lisa on Instagram, which you will now also find in blog format, and it was defiled at the same time, showing the growing evil of this world, which I describe in the description of the works that have been outlined. I honored Saint Peter, the foundation of my analysis, the one who was crucified upside down, the only one who holds the key to eternity, and who invites us to see the world differently. On February 7, at the Vatican, a man was detained by members of the Vatican security after climbing onto the altar of Saint Peter's Basilica, knocking over 6 candelabras while I was sharing my vision of the work of GUERNICA using an inverted analysis (see blog description on this site "GUERNICA").

Two examples with the same logic.

I honored and highlighted on Instagram the whale in connection with Pope Francis and his visit to Corsica, and once again, on February 8, 2025, a whale swallowed a kayaker in the Strait of Magellan. This location is a line connecting the Cape of Virgins (AMAZING) to the extreme south of Argentina (the Pope's homeland) and the Cape of the Holy Spirit, in Tierra del Fuego, like Jonah in the Bible.

The final idea is to bring the solution to end these carnages, which will be the subject of a new chapter.

But above all, I want to show you that what I explain is not a pure invention of my mind. I will prove to you that my logic is rational, that it repeats itself and adapts to different situations. When the logic repeats itself 20 times, it’s no longer coincidence, it’s a truth.

Let’s begin at the beginning. What is the first word in the Bible that caught my attention the most:

The word Bereshit (Hebrew: בראשית "In the beginning of") has more meaning in its Semitic language.

In "Beth", there is a notion of precedence.

In Resh, a head, a chief, a principle, a goal, something introduced into something else, present in the form of a germ.

Tav (the last letter): the finality, completion, the end (the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet).

What to deduce from this?

There is no Heaven without Earth, no shadow without light, and no 12 without 13. The reasoning must be GLOBAL, INSEPARABLE between these 2 worlds and not divided to maintain this BALANCE.

However, the 13, always invisible to some, who call themselves atheists, like A.T (Old Testament => AMAZING!), leads Man to often reason only in the 12 in isolation, forgetting the fundamentals, as if life stopped after death, after the last breath.

Thus, Heaven charges me to remind us of the order and strikes very hard (GAZA, L.A., Mayotte...) to send us powerful messages.

How to maintain this balance between our two worlds? In the 13, there are souls in purgatory. Currently, they are in total imbalance, like the City of Angels (Los Angeles), which caught fire.

To free them, they need our prayers and more brotherhood (AGAPE), integrity, and purity on earth, because every beautiful action in the 12 is a liberation for the suffering souls in the 13.

Everything connects, regardless of religion, because there is only one God.

For proof: we recently celebrated the anniversary of an inspiring man who had a great dream for humanity.

I Have A Dream.

Martin Luther King marked history with his commitment against racism and for equality.

He defined his principles of nonviolent direct action, among which civil disobedience was a decisive lever to compel the opponent without humiliating them.

He reminds us that it is not necessary to quench our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. Instead, he invites us to lead our struggle on the high plateaus of dignity and discipline, without allowing our creative demands to degenerate into physical or verbal violence.

Martin Luther King Jr. was heavily inspired by Gandhi’s idea of nonviolence to provoke social change.

What was Gandhi’s dream? A united India.

What was the most significant event?

Gandhi began a "salt march," protesting the salt tax of the colonial regime to wrest India’s independence from the British. This was the first concrete application of his nonviolent doctrine.

The "Salt March" appeared to Indians as the equivalent of the Boston Tea Party, which led to the independence of the United States.

Why did this act of civil disobedience have a decisive impact on India’s liberation process?

And how to explain the powerful parallel between salt and tea?

Gandhi saw salt as a powerful symbol that could unite the nation, as salt was a basic food found in every Indian home, and Indian tea symbolized national unity.

As a Hindu, Gandhi remained faithful to the principles of Hinduism. Unknowingly, he touched upon the Christian symbol of peace. Ultimately, everything connects!

In the Old Testament, the "Salt Covenant" refers to the stability of the covenant between God and His people and reminds everyone to act in the world in a way that makes it immutable by giving flavor to the earth.

In Hebrew, the phrase "to eat salt" means "to receive hospitality." Salt is thus a symbol of peace. In this sense, "being the salt of the earth" can mean participating in maintaining and preserving peace in the world.

Salt purifies, sanctifies, and drives away evil.

Tea is associated with the same idea of purification, leading to a state of wisdom and inner tranquility.

Salt and tea, therefore, helped achieve two victories for humanity.

But, still...?

When Plato "created" the solids that bear his name, he sought synthesis—the link that unites all the elements of life.

From these interconnected elements, which I consider levers, it is about reaching a goal. Which one?

The Bible is full of imagery. Naturally, metaphors suggest mystery, especially that of God in His relationship with man.

Everyone agrees on the interpretation of the Bible through these marvelous metaphors, taken up by priests (representing the link between 12 and 13, who responded to God's call), whose training is primarily based on theology courses as well as biblical courses, with mandatory pastoral insertion. Strangely, do you know who is the father of theology? The concept was first formulated in the West by Plato (AMAZING!!!), to whom I refer through the analysis of the GUERNICA work, later taken up by Aristotle and developed mainly by Christian theology.

It seems that after Christ's resurrection, the stone rolled away and metaphors suddenly flew away, leaving us only with those found in the holy scriptures of the past.

Such a sacrifice for humanity without a concrete link to the beyond? Not!

There is continuity in these.

Beyond our reference, our foundation, our ROCK, our essential refuge described in the sacred scriptures, the sky speaks to us constantly in a coded manner.

Thus, it is a question of changing our perspective, as Saint Peter invited us to (cf. the inverted cross; he holds the key to eternity) to understand these messages through art (including the ranking of the greatest works in the world we just studied), wars, climate disasters, the popularity of a song that transcends time, like "This is my kingdom come," corresponding to the "Our Father" in English, involving the notion of passage into the 13 and the man's struggle (illustrated by the bull in Guernica) who must shed light on his mistakes without being discouraged in order to access this paradise.

Do you think this song transcended time by chance and that it was released in 2013 (amazing number) by chance?

Do you know the origin of the singer? It is a German hard rock band, originating from Hamburg, West Germany.

Strangely, this city hosted the largest Jewish community in Germany with 6,400 people. In 1811, one in twenty inhabitants was of Mosaic faith (Amazing!). Another strong link between a famous song and a famous painting known as GUERNICA, based on a cubist technique bringing us back to Plato, to the mosaic, and by extension, still and always to Jewish citizens (widely highlighted in the description of GUERNICA)...

Or could we speak of the hidden messages behind a widely publicized event, such as the little boy Rayan who fell into a dried-up well 32 meters deep on February 1, 2022, in Chefchaouen, Morocco? The fate of this child moved the entire world. He was stuck in a mountainous area that was difficult to access (does that speak to you?), located nearly 700 meters above sea level (7 being the sacred number).

The image of the well is an effective symbol connoting hidden treasures, lodged either in hostile spaces or in the enigmatic interior of the individual.

The well represents sustenance, spiritual nourishment, and community relations.

The mountain refers to the Lord's mountain, which serves as the contact between Earth and Heaven, where man and God meet: cf. Moses on Mount Sinai. Then, in Psalms 125:2 - "As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people, now and forever." Psalms 104:10 - "He makes streams pour from the mountains, and they flow between the hills."

The well, the source, refers to The Samaritan woman, the one who quenches thirst forever. This well is so dry that the child died as a counterexample or reminder of what awaits us if we don't change our ways. THIS IS MY KINGDOM COME!!!!

Strangely, Chefchaouen is a blue city, like the Virgin. Strangely, initially, the blue color of this city characterized the Jewish part (Jesus himself being Jewish) located in the old medina, recalling the sky and the sea, thus referring to the Creator (God)... This blue also symbolizes the importance of the Ras el-Maa waterfall, where the inhabitants gather drinking water. Water (the source), essential for life, enables a community to thrive in a hostile environment, in the arid mountains.

And to further emphasize the messages from the Sky, it should be noted that this region also experienced a significant influx of Jews fleeing Europe during World War II. Most of these Jews later left the city to live in Israel. Everything points back to Christ and the Gospel.

A year after the tragedy, Rayan's parents welcome a newborn, inviting us to a spiritual renewal.

Burned Los Angeles: We went from the city of angels to the city of hell: money, sex... It's the apocalypse that ends in an apocalyptic landscape. The Mecca of cinema was symbolically razed by the sacred, leaving some signatures from the Sky: the Virgin of Guadalupe and some buildings in the shape of boats or liners (referencing the anchor, stability, linking us to the Pope's visit to Corsica, represented by the anchor and the boat, and after a whale strangely overturned a tourist boat off this same island, reminding us of the need to gain more balance) which miraculously survived the fires. On February 8, 2025, a humpback whale swallowed a kayaker in the Strait of Magellan, in southern Chile, before spitting him out unharmed. Another coincidence, perhaps, but no, it’s no longer a coincidence, as this place is a line joining the Cape of Virgins (AMAZING), at the extreme southeast of Argentina (REMEMBER THIS PLACE), and the Cape of the Holy Spirit in Tierra del Fuego (OMG SO AMAZING). Yet another call to return to the source to avoid the fire of hell. Notably, another precious piece of information links these two whale stories—our Pope is originally from Argentina. AMAZING!!! And this call is further confirmed by the direct connection to our foundation. In the Old Testament, the book of Jonah tells the story of the eponymous prophet. After refusing to go convert the great city of Nineveh, he tries to escape by sea. A great storm almost capsizes the boat. Thrown into the sea, he is swallowed by a great sea creature. Jonah is then swallowed by a great fish. For the three days he spends in its belly, the prophet prays to God and vows to deliver his prophecy, after which the fish spits him out. Does that speak to you?

Mexico, through the apparition of the Virgin of Guadalupe to Juan Diego, is the most beautiful example of evangelization. Do you know why? Because the Virgin knew how to use the codes of the indigenous people, just like a company adapts its marketing communication to different markets to optimize its sales. As for me, I have the codes of the lost sheep, the codes of the impure, because I come from this world myself. But life has transformed me.

Strangely, our Pope Francis, on February 14, St. Valentine's Day, the Day of Love, is hospitalized due to his bronchitis. He need our prayers. The bronchi represent our capacity for life, our vital space, they are our territory, more specifically tied to the couple, to family. The respiratory pathways are attacked on a symbolic day by a more than symbolic person. Our Pope is closely linked to the rise of whales that accompany his life filled with powerful messages. Family, love, are more than under attack. It is about taking action as soon as possible! We are already in HELL on EARTH. HURRY UP NOW!!!

Also, note that for Valentine's Day, the day of love (sincere and pure? Do you think so?), 100% of the tested flowers were contaminated. Does that speak to you??? Love has been replaced by sex, and the family is destroyed.

Everyone is having fun, and soon everyone will cry, because no one has realized what’s hanging over us.

This spiritual logic can also be applied to the true origin of global warming. HOT!!! HOT!! HOT MAMA!!

The heat, the plastics have generated 1.8 billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for 3.4% of global emissions.

Strangely, in Plato's solids, the Tetrahedron (fire element) is represented in pink. Pink like the Himalayan pink salt, considered the purest, and as a tool to fight evil, referencing the alliance of salt in the gospel and the victory of Gandhi (The Salt March), which greatly contributed to India's independence. Without knowing it (since he is deeply religious and a follower of Indian philosophy), he was inspired and rewarded by God for his sacrifice as a great defender of human rights.

It is also represented in red (red as passion, blood, the evil of this world, and red as the ultimate to fight).

When flattened, it forms 4 triangles interwoven in the wrong direction (the demons).

The octahedron (air element) is represented in blue, like Mary, linking with Jesus when we implore her in our prayers to address her son. And if we decompose this solid, we get a slightly turned cross, representing Mary's position facing her son crucified on the Cross for the redemption of Man.

Strangely, in Plato's solids, after fire (Evil, plastics, sex, lack of purity, opposite to the Virgin Mary), gas (referencing greenhouse gases) is directly linked to the fire element (hell, the evil of this world). When these two linked elements are balanced, the Tetrahedron is represented in yellow (faith, divine light, the sun, purification, transmutation leading to illumination). AMAZING!

In reality, it is about the topic of the liberation of women to excess, who have become a sexual object, far from the purity of Mary. Finally, too centered on the ego, the lack of warmth in the heart, this universal love between men is also a cause of global warming, underscored by the coded messages of the 13.

In the same logic, the soot of GUERNICA points to the obstructed chimney, reducing the performance between the 12 and the 13 and presenting a risk of poisoning and fire, as the pure air no longer circulates properly. The exit is blocked by an odorless and tasteless gas (link between the Octahedron and the Tetrahedron of Plato).

The soot recalled by the classification of the work GUERNICA is a dark, thick substance that forms on the walls of your chimney, much like humanity. It is made up of aggregates of dried soot (absence of connection to the source) that form from the smoke of combustion heating devices. It is a highly flammable material. For this reason, soot is considered one of the main causes of chimney fires (cf. LA fires). Moreover, a suboptimal draft also increases the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, as the gases (referenced in Plato's solids) that cannot escape through the chimney flue are forced to descend (AMAZING) into the house through the bottom of the chimney (when there is an imbalance in the 13, evil returns and descends into the 12).

Another situation that favors the formation of soot is when you have an old chimney without flue lining (which is mandatory / the flue lining (the tunnel) is the link between the 12 and the 13).

With the help of a certified chimney sweep (representatives of the Abrahamic religions dedicated to Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, with the best representation being the House of Abraham in Abu Dhabi, a symbol of unity among religions, where Pope Francis signed the Document on Human Fraternity with the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmed al-Tayeb, to promote coexistence among people and combat extremism), you protect your home and avoid fines (= the hard blows currently hitting the world, leading to apocalyptic landscapes) for lack of maintenance. Do you follow me?

Another solution (more radical) is chimney relining. Relining involves installing a solid or flexible tube inside the chimney. This tube has a smooth inner wall (let’s be smooth and pure by being connected to the source) to which soot has difficulty adhering (we eliminate any grip for the demon by being close to the 13). In addition to this parameter, the relining also has the advantage of increasing the chimney draft, thus lowering your energy bill (AMAZING!).

What if we could lower the bill of our soiled Humanity for a better world by avoiding catastrophe?

For air to circulate between the 12 and the 13, between Plato's Octahedron and Tetrahedron, it is necessary to remove the soot from the walls of the 12 flue, allowing access to the 13 through a smooth flue filled with pure air, thus finally bringing balance between our two worlds, preventing the 13 from sending this tasteless gas (without flavor, because without salt) back into the 12 by striking so hard.

The day I discovered the wonderful and symbolic story of Mounir Jouad on Instagram, a taxi driver who didn’t hesitate for a second to offer an immense service in the name of humanity, detached from any expectation, as he refused to be paid, a strong symbol of unity and religious tolerance, something incredible happened. He decided to drive a nun, who was stuck in traffic due to a taxi strike in Nantes, to the airport, after she missed her flight to Toulouse. She was supposed to donate a kidney to her brother. That day, I was in my bed in my hotel room in India. At that exact moment, the showerhead started spraying water in my bathroom, even though I was alone, lying on my bed, and the light above the mirror fell over. What can we conclude from this? That if everyone loved as Mounir did, the sun would stop heating our Earth, preventing the melting of the ice, which is the direct cause of climate change according to scientists. No, the real explanation is here.

What about the plague of cyberattacks, a threat amplified by the boom in telecommuting? It’s the same logic of tunnel, Satan’s work sneaking into the bitten apple (this symbol inspired by gravity according to Newton (gravity, does this resonate with you? Yes, the hour is grave when we are the origin of the bitten apple, we can end up, yet strangely abstinent, with a rare pancreatic cancer). The iconic founder of Apple, Steve Jobs, left the world the image of a marketing guru with revolutionary innovations that Satan is riding on. This visionary man reminded us before he died that intelligence is to feel the presence of love in everyone's heart, not the illusions created by wealth. Take care of yourself. Love others."

What is Newton's apple? "Two arbitrary bodies (absence of love, sex, the current situation leading us to catastrophe, gravity, apocalypse) attract each other in direct proportion to their mass and inversely proportional to the square of the distance from their center of gravity (it’s serious!)." Isaac Newton resonates like Isaac, the son of Abraham, one of the first disciples of the true God after the flood (AMAZING!). No wonder that the Human Rights League filed a lawsuit against the bitten apple on February 13th (13, does this resonate with you???).

These cyberattacks have taken a new form today that everyone ignores. They are now spreading, without anyone realizing, to completely random people, in positions, in your businesses; you don’t even suspect them. They don’t aim to steal from you, they use these tunnels to cover their faults, their mistakes, and ensure the continuity of their function, their evolution, while blocking the legitimate evolution of certain people. Your phones are being observed and infected, messages and emails are blocked, and the chimney must absolutely be swept.

Tunnels are created and block messages, preventing access to the truth. These people create bottlenecks in your phones and computers because they know you hold valuable information that threatens their image. But, the lie takes the elevator, and the truth takes the stairs.

The evil cats attack the mice (mouse) and fox and weasels attack the owls, blocking access, the real messages intended for them, and you don’t see it. You discover an Instagram post, but it has been tampered with by them. Your vision is only illusion. What to do? I have the technical solution that I will share later with you.

Yes, it’s hell on earth!

Why does the sky send us all these messages? To achieve one and the same goal: the balance of BERESHIT 12/13. Everything is linked around a single and same link, ETHER, emphasized by Plato and returning us to the Abrahamic religion preparing us for THE KINGDOM COME / GUERNICA.

Our world is connected to the 13 and works like a chimney (the tunnel). If there is an imbalance in the 12, with the tunnel to Heaven being blocked, evil returns to the 12. This is the logic of the BERESHIT 12/13 balance.

It is TOGETHER that we must work to save humanity.

"I love you when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your temple, pray in your church. For you and I are sons of one religion, and it is the spirit." The hour is very serious.

But, what is the SUSTAINABLE SOLUTION to put an end to these hard blows, these apocalyptic landscapes hitting the world and threatening to swallow the earth? Because if there is imbalance, the sky will overturn us to bring us back to spirituality. And for once, the imbalance is more than alarming. HURRY UP NOW!!!

The answer lies in Plato's solids that I have analyzed in connection with the 13. It’s not me, it’s God’s grace with me.


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