The Mona Lisa
The Mona Lisa
Posted on 15/02/2025
Art is a means to access the truth. Art is the moment when the spirit manifests in a sensible form connected to the divine, the 12 in the 13, and in this way, it reconciles with itself, offering the sacred truth.
Heaven speaks to us in different forms. Can you hear its messages?
What is the most famous painting in the world? Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa. Do you think it gained this status by chance?
The famous enigmatic smile of Mona Lisa has been captivating for centuries. Her portrait, incessantly revisited, now belongs to humanity, making it the most beautiful portrait in the world.
This work is not a painting on canvas, but on a poplar wood panel. From a spiritual perspective, the poplar offers protection and courage in the face of infinite vertigo. It resonates deeply and is linked to the Underworld, to pain, to sacrifice. It is a call for stability, growth, and metamorphosis. Under the sign of uncertainty, this tree symbolizes good will and reliability. This tree helps heal wounds. From an environmental standpoint, in addition to being a promising bioenergetic crop, these trees help sequester carbon, improve water quality (the source), and clean up contaminated industrial sites (the evil of this world).
Strangely, over time, the wood of this work has aged, and a crack has appeared. This is why the Mona Lisa must be preserved under extremely stable temperature and humidity conditions in a climate-controlled display case (reminding us of the source).
In Italian, Giocondo means "happy, serene." The Mona Lisa shows us a smile, which in the history of painting is one of the first.
Her gaze fixes us, making us question. Her dress is surprisingly modest compared to the attire painted during the same period. She has neither eyelashes nor eyebrows and wears a transparent veil over her head. From a spiritual perspective, eyelashes are compared to spears, swords, arrows formed by the eyebrows, all pointing toward a goal. The eyelash wards off evil spirits and offers protection to access serenity, represented by this enigmatic smile, the fascinating mystery of this portrait magically designed to create "something more divine than human." This genius of the Renaissance draws our attention to lead us into deep reflection.
The work integrates an imaginary triangle turned upward, pointing to the sky, like a stable and unshakable rock: balance. Additionally, Mona's portrait corresponds to life-size. It is as though she could see herself in a mirror (the mirror of the soul: consciousness).
The horizon line of the landscape is luminous, drawing our gaze. The background landscape, positioned at eye level, is unsettling in the work. It presents two levels, as if the artist wanted to merge two views, subtly reminding us that reality is not what it seems. Note the presence of the bridge, symbolizing the link between Heaven and Earth (12 and 13), confirmed by the high light that draws our attention to the crossed hands resting on an armrest. This, like the chair, represents stability and balance, which can only be achieved with the help of the 13 (right hand placed on the left hand: 12). Let’s resonate globally with BERESHIT 12/13!
Regarding the bridge, Carla Glori, a researcher, notably points to the presence of the number "72" (= 9, access to eternity, paradise) under the arches of the bridge, a number that echoes the year 1472, when the bridge was almost completely destroyed. Nothing makes sense anymore!
In this same logic, the light is high and strikes the central parts: the head, the throat, the hands.
Finally, note the absence of jewelry. Surprising for the wife of a wealthy silk merchant.
Strangely, do you know what the second most famous object in the world is, after the Mona Lisa? The Heart of the Ocean or the Cursed Diamond (on display at the Washington Museum) because it was stolen from the Goddess Sita, symbol of beauty and absolute fidelity to her husband. Another common point linking these two pieces: after the revolution, the Mona Lisa was placed in the Louvre, and Louis XIV's blue diamond was also stolen during the Revolution. It's a jewel, and all that remains of it is a lead mold. Amazing.
What is the delicate technique that made Leonardo da Vinci a genius? Sfumato or lead white, a technique for rendering light and shadow through layers of color. It allows the painting of the soul, drowning the contours behind a vapor of color, idealizing the human face. Lead is the starting point of all spiritual work. This genius has the art of turning lead into gold (a noble and precious metal, symbolizing purity, majesty, and the divine principle in matter).
In the Bible, lead has significance as a symbol of the reprobates, those who were "poured like lead into the mighty waters" of the Red Sea.
To conclude the message of this portrait, the absence of jewelry linked to the values of the Goddess Sîtâ (a reminder of moral order highlighted by the cracked wood and accentuated by the broken bridge 72 symbolizing the current rift between 12 and 13: an alarming imbalance) and the revolution linking the two works (reminding us of the importance of humanist values) calls for a just balance between the material world and the spiritual world, this is the key to access gold, balance, and thus avoid being a being condemned by God (avoiding the fire just as Goddess Sîtâ managed to do with her integrity), ultimately, in the 13.
This gaze of the Mona Lisa that fixes us and never lets go, it is the gaze of God, emphasized by the imaginary triangle of the Trinity. The imaginary mirror reflects back to us our consciousness to access true happiness on earth and in eternity (the bridge 72 = 9 = Paradise, Eternity => To infinity and beyond!). Let us resonate GLOBAL BERESHIT 12/13. Everything we do in the 12 has consequences for our life, as well as for the life of our descendants, in the 12 and the 13. Who wants to smile in the 13 by accessing a balanced life in the 12? WTF!!! I want your smile, Mona!!!
No wonder the famous artist, master of the Renaissance and universal genius, perfectionist painter and visionary inventor, carried with him, not knowing the outcome, this work during his travels, the one that reveals some of the world’s most precious secrets.
No wonder this work was ranked No. 1 by the 13 to become the most famous painting in the world, followed by No. 2 in the USA, influenced by this AVATAR, divine incarnation, an integral and pure model to follow.
Like this genius, let us become spiritual alchemists and transform lead into gold by transforming the individual himself. The rough stone can become philosophic, just as the vulgar man can awaken and metamorphose by integrating the sacred truth = SMILE!
Not adhering to a mathematical logic, the appreciation of this analysis can be challenged. Also, to emphasize this truth, Heaven accompanies me. Strangely, when I finally mention the subject of the Mona Lisa, the media, at the same time, talk about floods (again related to the source), damage, and decay (imbalance) at the Louvre. Then, I mention the seemingly strange connection to Washington, and strangely, the media announce, on the same day, a plane crash in Washington. The Mona Lisa was sprayed by evologue activists at the Louvre on January 28. Many coincidences... I leave you to judge this spiritual logic that can apply to everything in order to access the sacred truth.